Alderley Edge Community Primary School

Kings Coronation celebration - Friday 5th May

Dear Parents,

As per the previous email about details for the Kings Coronation celebration, today the children will come home with a slip to be filled out at home as they volunteer their time to help others around them. Suggestions included washing the car, helping a neighbour, friends or family, or volunteering in the community. Any child that returns their slip completed and sends in a photograph in to school will be added to our special volunteers list that will be framed and displayed in school to commemorate the Coronation. We hope this will help instill in our children the importance of giving time to support others. Please return all slips to class teachers as soon as possible but no later than Friday 12th May.

Many thank

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick