Alderley Edge Community Primary School

Additional Needs (SEND)

Supporting Children with Additional Needs

In our school children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) are included with all children under the term children with additional needs.  Children with additional needs includes all children who, for whatever reason, need additional support or guidance to help them on their learning journey.  These children might be children with SEND but they also include children who are Gifted and Talented or those children who, for whatever reason, are not on track (whatever their starting point) to make good progress.

Our Additional Needs Lead Teacher in school is Miss Melanie Rose and she can be contacted via the school office (01625 704 510 or or via email at

All Schools are expected to publish their Local Offer - please see below for our most recent copy of the Local Offer here at AECPS.

Governing Body

The School's Governing Body robustly challenge the support offered to children with SEND to ensure outcomes are of the highest order.  As part of their processes the SENDCo reports to the the Teaching and Learning Committee at each of their meetings as well as meeting the designated governor for SEND on a regular basis. 


If you are a parent or carer of a child with a EHCP and your child is moving educational setting  you will need to complete the SEND Application Form via Cheshire East = 

For all other children please follow the normal Cheshire East admissions process.

Online -

Telephone - 0300 123 5012

Email - 

Website - 

Accessibility Plan

As a school we are committed to improving accessibility for all adults and children. The school's accessibility plan can be found by clicking the document at the bottom of this page.

Cheshire East Information Advice and Support  (formerly The Parent Partnership Service)

Cheshire East Information Advice and Support (CEIAS) helps parents and carers whose children have special educational needs, from pre-school age until they leave school.

They support parents across Cheshire East. If you or your child's teacher think there may be a special educational need, they may be able to help.

Many children have difficulties learning at some stage of their school life and parents need information to help them make decisions about their child's education. Parent Partnership can explain how the education system works and how pre-schools, schools and local authorities aim to meet special educational needs.

Click HERE to access their website

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS)

CAMHS now have an out of hours advice line for parents

01244 397644

It is open from 5pm to 10pm on weekdays and 12pm - 8pm on weekends 

Autism Support

Click the file at the bottom of this page to access the Cheshire Autism Practical Support

Disability Support - Everybody

Everybody - a registered charity providing physical activities to support children with disabilities

Files to Download

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick