Our News items
The Squirrels Club February Half Term, by Mrs Broadrick
Year 1 Trip to the Library - Tuesday 14th January, by Mrs Broadrick
Friday 10th January - School is open, by Mrs Broadrick
Thursday 9th January - School is CLOSED, by Mrs Broadrick
The school is OPEN today Wednesday 8th January - 10 am start, by Mrs Broadrick
The School is open today - Tuesday 7th January, by Mrs Broadrick
December Newsletter from Mrs Walsh, by Mrs Shotton
Photographs taken at school events, by Mrs Broadrick
Ofsted Visit Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th December - link attached for online survey, by Mrs Broadrick
Church Storytelling and Craft Club Tuesday 10th December Cancelled, by Mrs Broadrick
Our catering supplier MiQuill have a vacancy for a Catering Assistant, by Mrs Broadrick
November Newsletter from Mrs Walsh, by Mrs Shotton
Christmas Dinner 10th December - don't forget to wear your Christmas Hats and Deeley Boppers!, by Mrs Shotton
Don't forget - AECPS PTA Christmas Raffle!, by Mrs Shotton
SCHOOL DINNERS - Updated 3 Week Menu, by Mrs Shotton
Precis of Teaching and Learning Committee Meeting 08/10/2024, by Mrs Broadrick
Christmas Hamper Raffle 2024, by Mrs Broadrick
Parliament Week - 18 - 22 November 2024, by Mrs Shotton
Reminder - PTA Halle Ticket Raffle closes 22/11/24, by Mrs Broadrick
Nasal Flu Spray Update, by Mrs Broadrick
Check out the PTA pages for all updates, by Mrs Broadrick
Friendly Competition for Years 2 - 6 on Times Table Rockstars, by Mrs Broadrick
New school meals a hit with children, by Mrs Broadrick
Local News - Transport Survey Tuesday 12th November, by Mrs Broadrick