Alderley Edge Community Primary School

Rev Pye Visits Year 5

Year 5 were lucky enough to have a visit from our local church, Reverend Robin Pye as a follow up from their visit to St Phillips as they had so many questions they wanted to ask.

Year 5 quizzed Reverend Pye on their current R.E topic, which is: Does Evolution disprove the Creation story? They all found it incredibly fascinating and insightful listening to Reverend Pye, and Amy's views. 

Contact Us
Alderley Edge Community Primary School Church Lane, Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7UZ
01625 704510
Headteacher | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
SENDCO | Miss Melanie Rose
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lindsey Walsh
Bursar | Mrs Suzanne Broadrick